Halloween may be past us (or thank thee gods, right in front of us) but that is no reason why we can't all gather around our "record players" tonight and celebrate what would have been horrormeister Vincent Price's 100th birthday. As it is, the weather around these parts has been absolutely frightening lately (or glorious, depending on your preference); unending lightening scissoring the dark skies in two, rumbling thunder quaking houses down to their very foundations, tree branches and rain scratching and pelting the window panes like blood hungry ghouls trying to gain entry. Why, seeing as we've all been halfway living a Vincent Price spookfest anyway, we might as well tun off the lights tonight, burn some candles, and let the master's voice beckon us from the flickering shadows into his world of darkness and nightmares....
The Gold-Bug

Download Here.
Aliens Of The Mind (With Peter Cushing)

Download Here.
Secrets Of Witchcraft And Magic: Adventure In Demonology

Download Here.
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