Champagne wishes and caviar dreams. Me and my husband Daniel living the zombie life.
In personal news, I've had myself a rather awesome week due largely to a one Mr. Pax Romano, aka the super sweet, omnipotent curator of Billy Loves Stu. Billy Loves Stu, in case you don't know is only one of the longest running, pretty damn stellar gay horror blogs around and when Mr. Romano asked yours truly if I would like to participate in his celebration of future queer voices of horror for gay pride month, I jumped at the chance. Now, I can think of about 5 other bloggers off the top of my head more worthy of that moniker than I, but really what's a boy to do (also, when is the next time somebody is gonna give two hoots as to what little 'ol me has to say)? Incredibly flattered, I humbly excepted his invitation to an interview and spent the better part of 15 hours (roughly the time it took me to complete the thing) this week attempting to wear my very best game face all the while trying to squeeze into a pair of smarty pants that didn't necessarily fit me completely. No, there wasn't any pretense and I was nothing if not myself however seeing one's words posted elsewhere in such a manner is a singularly bizarre experience. Honestly, I cringe at myself on an almost daily basis so I should probably be use to the sensation by now. Hopefully I'm not inviting others to cringe with me on this particular venture.Before I send you on your merry way and point you in the direction of the interview in question though, I must say this of Mr. Romano, he of the sexy and mysterious lucha libre masks. When I decided to start The October Country in the winter of 2010 (November to be exact), I was an infant when it came to knowing my away around running a horror blog. Really, most times I didn't know what the hell it was I was doing. I could be behind the scenes for hours trying to figure out how to edit something properly or work my way around their rules and regulations. Some months into it, I befriended dear 'ol Pax on Facebook and slowly but surely started to ask him an increasing flood of questions about blogging etiquette. His advice (and patience) with me unquestionably gave me the courage to take the site in some directions I'd been dreaming of heading, but up until hearing his kind words of support, I hadn't yet had the balls to do. Yeah, I kinda think of him as my occasional mentor. He is older and wiser than I, and I'm sure I could still learn a lot from him. Also, he has taught me that even in the world of blogging, real life manners and kindness always have their place. The compliments that he pays to and the encouragement I've seen him offer other bloggers currently toiling away in all this horror business is a real inspiration. Really, we should all be so kind.
So, I would first like to thank Mr. Romano for all the time he's put into helping me find my way in this endeavor you all know as The October Country and secondly, I would like to thank him for the amazing opportunity he's given me to talk a little about myself and this site over on his. I had a blast answering his questions and straining my memory for the right recollections and revisiting all those embarrassing moments from my weirdo childhood. Anyway, if any of you dear readers are interested in knowing what your host has to say on topics ranging from gay marriage with a fellow horror nut (my always awesome husband Daniel), sexuality's place within the genre, my favorite horror movie, what exactly I'd serve David Lynch for dinner and a whole lot of other thoughts, head on over to Billy Loves Stu and read all about it.
But first before I go, a wee bit of irreverence after all that sincerity (because I can't help myself and well, that's just me). To get there, just click Pax's penis below. That's right, just click his penis....right...there. You can even rub it or stroke it if you so wish. That's actually not Pax (or is it) but I don't think anyone among us knows just what exactly this enigmatic luchador looks like and so this is how I choose to see the elusive legend. Really, can you blame me?

Hahaha. All in good fun good sir. Now that you mention it, maybe our little insulated world could use an Anthony Weiner.
ReplyDelete"Next up on CNN. Justin Roebuck-Lafleur caught right in the middle of a sex orgy! What does the legendary Pax Romano, tequila, a boy bride and 5 sheep have in common? Further more, what Americans need to know about this illustrious and out of control horror blogging underground. Stay tuned."