Our apologies dear readers for the lack of posts throughout the entirety of May. It was a tough call to make, but I reasoned that I truly needed to get out of the house and get some sun for awhile. I've found this site more than easy to maintain during the long, cold stretches of our Midwest winters; seeing as how I absolutely deplore the cold and I suffer from a pretty severe bout of seasonal depression every year which in turn only heightens my anxiety disorder I've been battling. In short, from November until March,
The October Country is my lifeline. I have no qualms with shutting the snowy world out behind our thick, heavy curtains and sitting here and banging out reviews and articles of every stripe, one after the other. However, as spring blooms into the sweltering summer, I feel as though I owe it to my mental health to go get as much fresh air as I can and attempt to be as sociable as possible before Jack Frost starts scratching at my windows again. It's been a lovely little vacation (a vacation that extended no further than the same city blocks I see year in and year out, but still) and I'm feeling a tad more refreshed. In essence, we're back even if we'll be operating on a more sporadic level for the next few months. Until summer winds down though, we do have some pretty stellar features up our sleeves. Coming very soon is an
October Country exclusive interview with
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2's Mark Patton (Jesse Walsh).
Billy Loves Stu's always amazing Pax Romano (and oft-mentor to yours truly) recently nominated me as one of queer fear's many future voices of horror and I'll be doing a nifty little interview for him as a result (really, I'm wholly undeserving, but I couldn't be more flattered about the invitation to participate). Additionally, this month is national Gay Pride Month, and though me and queer culture have had an uneasy alliance for the majority of my existence, there is no denying that some of my horror heroes have been proud gay men and women, and celebrating their contributions to our beloved field is surely right around the corner. Also, a wealth of rumored-to-be-amazing works of beautifully realized screen scares have recently become available for viewing; Franck Richard's
The Pack, Jim Mickle's
Stake Land, Jon Knautz's
The Shrine, Gregg Holtgrewe's
Dawning and Lucky McKee's controversial
The Woman, and you can rest assured we'll be bringing you the tasty tidbits on them all soon. A big thanks to everyone who's stuck with us (and a warm welcome to our new followers), it's great to be back and quite honestly, we've missed you. A lot.
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