That and a few more reasons starting with this, Reason #1: The original Twin Peaks soundtrack released at the time of the show's airing, is out of print and no longer commercially available to fans. As is 2007's follow up second volume of additional music Twin Peaks: Season 2 Music and More and the soundtrack to the franchise's silver screen endeavor, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me.
Reason # 2: I'm guessing that many of the tracks contained herein will never be officially released in any form. Which is sad news for diehard fans.
Reason #3: After closing up shop last year, David Lynch's website has recently relaunched at The David Lynch Music Company, wherein he is releasing previously unavailable music (Twin Peaks pieces and other Lynch related material) on a weekly basis. Which is why we feel it would be nice to give you guys a retroactive selection from which to build your Peaks music library, and why ultimately, these links will only be available for 24 hours; you should heretofore visit The David Lynch Music Company and purchase his additional releases. Hopefully this post will get you excited enough to do just that, as all Peaks fans should be supporting this amazing business outing he is embarking on. Lord knows, many of us have prayed for just such a day since the series wrapped up in the early nineties.

What's so special about the albums being posted here you ask? Well, here is the lowdown. The tracks consist of the original out of print release, the season two release, currently still never released numbers (thanks in part, to qbin2001 at Lynchland.eu) ripped directly from the DVDs and cleaned up of nearly all dialogue, noise and sound effects (really, I've heard many of these kinds of projects and qbin2001 has done an stellar job), non-score music tracks used in the series and lastly, the newly released tracks gifted to us by David Lynch himself. I think that it is safe to say, that the albums below are without a doubt, the most complete collections of Twin Peaks music to date. Many painstaking hours were put into the arrangement of the albums. Anal retentive perfectionist that I am, I wanted to ensure that each individual album flowed from beginning to end and that variations of familiar themes were not bumping up alongside one another. If the albums were collected as originally released, the overall effect is a lot less cohesive (seeing as how the majority of the recurring themes were found solely on the first soundtrack). Additionally (being a completest), songs such as The Swan are contained here also. The Swan, with vocals by regular Lynch collaborator Julee Cruise, was not used in it's entirety on the show, but musical cues from it can be heard throughout the series. Thus, it's inclusion. Anyway, I think that you get the idea.
If there is any doubt that for a brief amount of time David Lynch and Angelo Badalamenti were crafting some of the most ethereal, haunting and game changing music on network television, well here then is your proof below. The music of Twin Peaks coming to life in such a way that it was damn-near an additional supporting character on the show; characters themselves become nearly possessed by it's influence, breaking out into impromptu swaying and dancing by it's presence. (for more on this argument, see Kathryn Kalinak's essay "Distrubing the Guests with This Racket": Music and Twin Peaks from the must-own Full of Secrets: Critical Approaches to Twin Peaks). And listening to it even now as I type this, I can't help but feel possessed by it myself. Enjoy dear readers!

Twin Peaks Volume 1
1. Always Music In The Air
2. Twin Peaks Theme
3. Laura Palmer's Theme
4. The Nightengale
5. Americana (Original Version)
6. The Josie Story
7. The Arrow
8. Shelly
9. The King Must Die
10. Freshly Squeezed
11. Piano # 1 (Ben & Tojamura)
12. Josie And Truman
13. Pennsylvania 6-5000
14. The Norwegians
15. Colonel Rielly
16. Ransom Instructions
17. The Mill Deal
18. Discussing Windom
19. Audrey's Prayer
20. Annie & Cooper (Sleazy Audrey)
21. Confrontation
22. Cop Beat
23. Just You (Instrumental)
24. High School Swing
25. Night Bells
26. Dance Of The Dream Man
27. Love Theme From Twin Peaks
28. Falling
Total Running Time: 1.2 hours
"Where we're from, the birds sing a pretty song and there's always music in the air."

Twin Peaks Volume 2
1. Good News
2. Twin Peaks Theme
3. Packard's Vibration
4. Rockin' Back Inside My Heart
5. Americana (On The Road)
6. Fear Is The Key
7. New Shoes
8. Windom And Leo / The Letter
9. Jones And Truman
10. Twin Peaks Theme (Alternative Version)
11. Lana's Theme
12. Letter From Harold
13. What A Wonderful World
14. Windom Earle's Theme
15. Barbershop
16. Ben's Interrogation
17. When Ben Comes Marching Home
18. Audrey
19. Windom's Deck
20. Harold's Theme
21. Frosty / Candy's Dandy
22. Just You
23. Hook Rug Dance
24. Falling (Nostalgia Version)
25. Drug Deal Blues
26. Into The Night
27. The Giant / You Forgot Something
28. Love Theme Intro
Total Running Time: 1.6 hours
"I love this music. Isn't it too dreamy?"

1. Let's Rock
2. Twin Peaks Theme
3. Laura's Theme (Piano Version)
4. The Swan
5. Josie And Jonathan
6. Americana (Extended Mix)
7. Closure / The Owl
8. Dick Tremayne's Swing
9. 24 Hours / Removing The Pawn
10. Audrey's Dance
11. Behind The Mask
12. j' Attendrai
13. Hayward Boogie
14. I'm Hurt Bad
15. The Living Novel
16. Ronette Recognizes BOB
17. Chess & Message From Windom
18. The Bookhouse Boys
19. Americana (Cheerleader Tryouts)
20. Lana's Dance
21. Freshly Squeezed (Bass Clarinet Version)
22. Twin Peaks Theme (Piano Version)
23. Night Life In Twin Peaks
24. Don't Do This To Him
25. The Wolrd Spins
26. Dark Mood Woods / The Red Room
27. Love Theme Farewell
Total Running Time: 1.4 hours
"Lets Rock."

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (Expanded Soundtrack)
1. I Am The Arm
2. Theme From Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
3. The Pine Float
4. Sycamore Trees
5. Don't Do Anything (I Wouldn't Do)
6. Deer Meadow Shuffle
7. Half Heart
8. A Real Indication
9. Questions In A World Of Blue
10. The Pink Room
11. Blue Frank
12. The Black Dog Runs At Night
13. Laura's Dark Boogie
14. Best Friends
15. Moving Through Time
16. Nightsea Wind
17. Montage From Twin Peaks: Girl Talk / Birds in Hell / Laura Palmer's Theme
18. The Voice Of Love
19. Requiem In C Minor
Total Running Time: 1.4 hours
"Do you know who I am? I am the arm, and I sound like this..."
A final reminder to keep your eyes trained on The David Lynch Music Company in the near future for more exciting releases to the Twin Peaks music library.
*Editor's Note:
All the downloads on here are for evaluation/preview purposes and if you download something that you like, then you should buy the DVD, CD, tape, or vinyl it comes from. Thanks
Cans you reupload Twin Peaks Volume 3 with the song named J'attendrai ?